causing some skin damage

1. shaving razor and hair removal cream

The principle of razor is the same as razor; some people are concerned that using dermes medilaserazor will cause them to become thicker and thicker, but this is not the case. It's just that the hair isn't completely vertical; there's a beveled cutting plane at the root of the hair, giving it a thicker appearance. It will return to normal once the hair grows a little longer.

The hair removal cream dissolves the keratin in the hair, making it easy to remove the hair with a single swipe. Both methods are extremely safe in general.

Benefits include no damage to the skin or hair follicle structure, no pain, and a quick and easy procedure.

Disadvantages: the hair removed will regrow quickly and will not reduce subsequent hair growth.

2. Paper made of beeswax

Beeswax paper is extremely sticky and can be applied to hairy areas; when ripped, the hair can be uprooted. This method of dermes medilasehair removal is dermes medilaseextremely painful, but unlike razors and hair removal cream, it does not damage the hair follicles, so the effect lasts much longer.

The benefits are that hair removal is quick and can cover a large area; additionally, because the hair follicle is destroyed, the effect is longer lasting.

Disadvantages: Tearing the wax paper is painful, and it may damage the skin barrier, causing some skin damage. Keratosis pilaris can be caused by tearing the wax paper frequently.

3. Hair removal with a laser

Laser hair removal is also very popular these days. It is able to focus on the root of the hair follicle and destroy the hair follicle structure by selecting a specific wavelength and frequency of laser. Hair removal causes minor irritation, but it is otherwise quick and safe.

Advantages: Laser hair removal causes little to no severe irritation. Furthermore, because the hair follicle is destroyed, subsequent hair growth is minimal. A more common advantage is that laser hair removal is a relatively quick procedure. The hair follicle is permanently destroyed and permanent hair removal is achieved if 5-6 sessions of hair removal are performed consistently.

Disadvantages: The most common disadvantage of laser hair removal is its high cost, which can run into the tens of thousands of dollars.

4.Bleach This is not a hair removal method, but rather a method for removing melanin

Advantages: This method, like using cosmetics, is simple to use. It is suitable for small facial hairs.

Disadvantages: Because it is a strong chemical agent, it can cause chemical irritation, and a poor grasp can cause redness and swelling.

5. Show your face

Open face is a folk craft in which the operator twists the facial hair into crossed cotton threads and then plucks it up with force.

Pros: The benefit of open face is that it is easier to remove and allows you to experience life.

Disadvantages: Its main disadvantage is that it is extremely painful, making it the most painful method in daily life.

6. Hair removal device at home

The majority of home hair removal instruments are photon hair removal, whose energy is not as strong as that of mechanical medical beauty, is relatively mild, and must be used for an extended period of time. The main mechanism of action is to inhibit hair growth; after a few uses, the hair will become soft and thin, and it will fall off naturally.

Advantages: safe, painless, hair grows slowly, and all parts can be used. Low time investment; can be done at home. It is inexpensive.

Disadvantages: the energy is generally low, resulting in a lengthy hair removal course, 4-5 times to see the initial effect, 7-8 times to see the noticeable effect.