What opportunities exist in the digital economy?

The research indicates that there are several opportunities provided by the digital economy for businesses to gain a competitive edge, including the availability of digital technologies, process optimization within businesses, digitization, and digital convergence.

The digital economy of Apple?

In addition to being a traditional producer of tangible technology things, it also creates and markets digital products and services. Due to the fact that developers can join the Apple Store for a fee and market their digital products and services to the one billion Apple users, it is also a digital platform.

What type of digital economy will follow?

The New Digital Economy is expected to transform value chains and usher in a new method of producing and consuming products and services. A large portion of our economic activity may be worldwide in distribution, digitally tailored, and on demand.

What results from the digital economy?

It achieves innovation in production, supply, and sales in addition to igniting fresh energy, developing fresh sources of supply, and fostering high-quality economic growth. By reducing production costs and raising product output, the expansion of the digital economy can optimize supply and boost profits for businesses.

What danger does the digital economy pose?

According to evidence, Internet dependence, personality deterioration, mental health problems, increasing unemployment, financial inequality, and more governmental control over each person's income and expenses are the key social risks that the digitization process poses to everyone.

What drawbacks are there to digital?

The following are eight drawbacks of technology. Depression and other problems with mental health. According to a University of Michigan study, using Facebook causes people to be less satisfied with their lives overall and happier. Sleep deprivation. I have ADHD. Being overweight. Learning Obstacles.... decreased intimacy and communication. bullying online.... a breach of privacy.

What are the drawbacks to the digital economy?

The digital economy is having a negative effect on the environment and is accelerating climate change. Even though they claim to be tackling the issue of sustainable development goals, tech businesses are still ranked among the worst polluters in the world.

Examples of the digital economy?

2. Provide some illustrations of the digital economy. E-commerce, e-marketplaces, online learning, streaming services, social media, video conferencing, work-from-home opportunities, e-health, etc. are all part of the digital economy.

What are the drawbacks of the digital age?

Social media and mobile gadgets may cause psychological problems as well as physical problems including eyestrain and trouble focusing on crucial tasks. Also, they might exacerbate more severe medical issues like depression. Children and teenagers who are still developing may be more negatively impacted by excessive usage of technology.

Is Netflix part of the digital economy?

Production, distribution, and consumption all take place (primarily) online in a digital economy (pg 194, Flew 2008). Similar to Netflix, offline content creation happens while online distribution and consumption take place.