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"It's not a fight, why don't you relax?"

The deputy chief physician of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Peking University Shenzhen Hospital once shared on his personal account a night shift during a holiday, when he received three patients with ruptured corpus luteum hands free vibrators. Two of them, one had more than 400ml of blood in the stomach, and the other was more serious with 900ml of blood. Both patients had undergone surgery at the time, and the other patient had mild symptoms and was temporarily observed.

Such examples are not uncommon in life.

Xiaoli, 25, and her husband just got married last month and went on their honeymoon together and had a great time hands free vibrators. However, after renting a room together, Ms. Wu felt vaguely uncomfortable in her stomach, but it was not too serious. In addition, she was not familiar with the tourists and did not leave the hospital. Unexpectedly, when Xiaoli went to the toilet to defecate in the middle of the night, Xiaoli had a severe stomachache hands free vibrators. Seeing that her face was pale and she was so painful that she couldn't even stand up, her husband hurriedly sent Xiaoli to the emergency department.

After the doctor's examination, it was found that there was an abnormal data change in Xiaoli's right ovary hands free vibrators. It was considered that the corpus luteum was ruptured and bleeding, and the student was suggested to start the analysis operation immediately hands free vibrators. During the operation, it was found that Xiaoli's intra-abdominal bleeding was close to 1500ml. If the patient is not treated in time, it may cause a threat to human life.

Xiao Li couldn't think of this result, but having sex is normal, how could it develop into this situation?

What is the corpus luteum?

Luteal phase, I believe many people are not familiar with this term, or even heard of it, but it is very important to women.

Women's menstrual cycle can be divided into follicular phase, ovulation phase and luteal phase hands free vibrators. After monthly ovulation, irregular follicular cavity and internal blood clots are formed, under the action of progesterone produced in the body.

If the egg is not fertilized, the yolk will degenerate into a white body after 2 weeks, and will be gradually absorbed by the body and returned to the ovarian tissue. But when the egg is successfully fertilized, the life of the corpus luteum will be extended, and it will retire after the placenta is formed about 3 months into pregnancy.

The corpus luteum has important functions of the endocrine system and is the main source of data for estrogen and progesterone after ovulation. Estrogen and progesterone can help fertilized eggs to implant better. "Escort".

Why does a good corpus luteum rupture?

The longer the luteal phase, the larger the corpus luteum. On the 22nd day of the menstrual period, the development of the corpus luteum will reach its peak. The rhubarb and corpus luteum are also thin-walled. Once a little force, it is easy to break. The causes of corpus luteum rupture are mainly divided into the following categories.

automatic rupture

The corpus luteum itself will have a small amount of bleeding, but some women may cause spontaneous rupture due to the large amount of corpus luteum bleeding. Some scholars believe that blood coagulation failure in the process of luteinization will cause bleeding, and bleeding will further increase the pressure in the corpus luteum, eventually leading to rupture of the corpus luteum.

too much sex

During sexual intercourse, the female reproductive organs will be congested and expanded, and the muscle tissue will also convulsively contract when excited, which will easily lead to increased tension in the corpus luteum. If the partner moves violently and hits the woman's lower abdomen strongly, it may also cause the corpus luteum to rupture.

increased intra-abdominal pressure

Female patients who have not received different impacts on their abdomen, or after violent jumping and running, may affect the increase in intra-abdominal pressure. In this case, the risk of relationship breakdown will also increase in the mature corpus luteum. Even for some Chinese women, when they are constipated or coughing, too much force can induce corpus luteum rupture.

coagulation abnormalities

Some women with blood diseases or receiving long-term anticoagulant therapy may cause bleeding during corpus luteum maturation, resulting in corpus luteum rupture, which is difficult to stop after bleeding.

There are 3 symptoms after intercourse, be careful of corpus luteum rupture.

Female friends observe more every day. When you find that you have the following three symptoms in the same room, you must be vigilant. It may be a rupture of the corpus luteum.

stomach ache

This symptom is the most common and typical symptom of ruptured corpus luteum. When it is not ruptured, it is dull pain, and after rupture, there will be severe and unbearable abdominal pain.

internal bleeding

There are abundant capillary blood vessels around the corpus luteum cells, and when they rupture, there will usually be intra-abdominal bleeding, and severe patients will go into shock due to massive bleeding, but rarely have clinical symptoms of vaginal bleeding.

systemic symptoms

While patients have persistent abdominal pain, they may also be accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. In severe cases, they may go into shock.

Prevent corpus luteum rupture! Five precautions. Put them away quickly.

Ruptured corpus luteum will pose a great threat to women's health. Once the symptoms of corpus luteum rupture appear, you must seek medical treatment in time.

There are currently two main methods for the treatment of ruptured corpus luteum.

The first is a conservative treatment. For women with abdominal pain symptoms that are not severe and bleeding is relatively small, anti-inflammatory and fluid rehydration treatments can be given, mainly bed rest activities, and closely related to observation of changes in the patient's condition.

More severe cases will be treated with surgery. For women with obvious abdominal pain and bleeding, laparotomy or laparoscopy should be performed in time to avoid life-threatening persistent bleeding.

In daily life, how to prevent corpus luteum rupture, five small measures to quickly accept:

Active treatment of cough and other diseases will increase intra-abdominal pressure, and to a certain extent avoid the occurrence of corpus luteum rupture.

Adjust your diet, eat more dietary fiber foods, and improve bad living habits such as constipation and urination.

During the luteal phase, especially the week before menstruation, intercourse should not be too complicated and intense.

Don't lose too much weight, thin women have a higher risk of corpus luteum rupture.

Try to do some exercise during the luteal phase, and avoid strenuous exercise such as swimming and running to avoid shock to the abdomen.

Ruptured corpus luteum is a very dangerous disease. Physical symptoms are generally not obvious in the early stage of the disease, but they are also easy to be ignored. This must be vigilant.

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