
There is a sense of protecting the skin,cellulose sponge sheet do not want to cause harm to the skin, but do not know how to protect, how not to cause harm, which is the current common situation of dermatology.

Knowing that you shower with a sponge instead of a towel and steel balls shows that you are still conscious of protecting your skin. The sponge is still soft.

But don't forget that sponges have friction and are used to remove dust. konjac body spongeSponges are less damaging to the skin than steel balls, but they can also damage the skin. For some adults with rough skin, sponges may be fine, but for babies and young children, sponges can only cause enough damage.

Coupled with the cleaning effect of shower gel,steel sponge the damage is even greater.

By the same token, use a cleanser or face wash, and use a weakly acidic, even non-foaming cleanser; Wash your hair with shampoo, with weakly acidic and even non-foaming shampoo; Wash hands with hand sanitizer, wash hands with weak acidic non-foaming hand sanitizer; Instead of washing your face, hair, and hands with laundry powder, the company is in order to avoid the use of alkaline detergent on the face, scalp, and hands.

Experience tells us that foaming laundry powder, washing clothes are more clean, but also more "hot". Foaming cleansers, shampoos and hand sanitizers are less protective of the face, scalp and hands. The more ash you remove, the less sebum you retain and the more potential damage to your skin.

Although one fifth of the 21st century has passed, there are still some elderly people who use laundry detergent, soap, soap, sulfur soap to wash their hair and face, and some people use so-called handmade soap.

Even some hand sanitizers labeled with baby sanitizers can cause harm to your opponents, especially those with bubbles, which means more damage if your hands become dry after washing them.

A simple way to tell is that the less frothy the cleaning product, the less damage it will do to the face, scalp, and hands.

Infants and young children have delicate skin, poor defense ability and high metabolism. If you do not bathe regularly, the accumulation of excrement such as sweat will irritate the skin and easily lead to skin infections. The baby has 100-250 sweat glands per 1 square centimeter of skin, and the dirt from these sweat glands needs to be removed in time. So why is Konjac sponge better for bathing your baby?

The traditional towel fiber surface is rough, a little force, it is easy to rub the baby's skin red, and even bruise. The coil of the towel will continue to accumulate oil and dandruff on the healthy skin of the human body, which is not easy to clean and easy to become the breeding bacteria. Konjac sponge is made of a natural Konjac plant through fiber materials, delicate tissue structure, like jelly lubrication, completely can not worry about chafing baby's tender skin.

Natural Konjac sponge production process, will naturally form a three-dimensional mesh structure, the size of the holes, these holes can be like a foaming net, just a small amount of shower gel, can produce rich dense foam. At the same time, the excess oil and dirt on the surface of the baby's skin can be absorbed and cleaned.

Konjac alcohol in konjac has a natural antibacterial effect. After using Konjac sponge, wash it with water and put it in a cool and ventilated place to avoid bacterial contamination.

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