Coconut sponge

Is a coconut sponge really clean?

This study proves that the ordinary kitchen coconut sponge may be more suitable for cultivating bacterial communities than the Petri dish in the biological laboratory, because the structure of coconut sponge will affect the interaction between microbial species and is conducive to the rampant growth of bacteria.

Not just the food residue, kitchen scrubber manufacturerbut the structure of the coconut sponge itself allows microbes to thrive in it, according to a new study. In fact, some bacteria like to live in different communities, while others like to live only with bacteria that are similar to themselves, so, an environment in which both bacteria can live the best life results in the strongest bacterial diversity. In a natural setting, soil provides the best mix of living conditions, as does your kitchen coconut sponge. The findings, published in the journal Nature Chemical Biology, could not only help you clean your kitchen, but also inform a variety of industries that use bacteria to produce food, medicine, energy and other products.

In nature, the bacterial community structure is mixed with different levels of culture, and the soil provides the space needed for the growth and development of different populations, so that they can live more independently without too much interaction with their neighbors. However, when human society cultivates bacterial species to produce enterprise products, such as alcohol, biomass used as fuel and drugs, we simply put them in plates or vats in laboratories or factories to form shapeless sticky substances. Such environmental problems usually involve "social dance" between bacterial systems.

Each type of bacteria gives off a different color, which helps researchers track their growth.

Magic coconut sponge is an easy-to-use cleaning tool. When dealing with some bad stains or stains that can't be treated with a rag, it is especially necessary to show her strong cleaning ability, because basically only water is needed to remove stubborn stains, so that the cleaned things can achieve the effect of exchanging old ones for new ones. You may ask, how is this done? Don't worry, here is a little makeup for you to answer.

First of all, we must start with the material and construction of the magic Coconut sponge. The magic Coconut sponge is made of melamine foam foaming by a national nanomaterials science and information technology enterprise with advanced development and management in China, and its interior is a three-dimensional space network with open hole structure. By analyzing this economic and social organization structure, students can make the magic Coconut sponge dip in water and automatically control the adsorption of stains on important surfaces of the research target object during the wiping process. The Magic Coconut sponge wipe is a pure physical decontamination, safe and environmentally friendly.

Suitable for cleaning uneven surfaces and deep stubborn dirt, easy to maintain, no scratches, no damage to the surface of objects, convenient to use, no need for chemical cleaning agents. Because of the internal open structure of the magic coconut sponge, the stains adsorbed on it can be discharged after being pressed in water, and then can be reused, which is very convenient.

Because this amazing coconut sponge is expendable, it wears off when you use it. So to properly control moisture, too dry is more likely to lead to peeling to eat.

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