What are the general characteristics of the pdf document signature certificate?

Nowadays more and more paperless office scenarios, the application of PDF documents is more and more widely used, the emergence of e-commerce contracts is the emergence of PDF documents for the application of a very suitable scenario. But we will also raise the issue of how to encrypt PDF. Like contract management these are important data files, how to ensure that the PDF document information security, reliable seems very important. PDF can be used merge pdf files i love pdf to operate.

PDF certificate can be used to sign and confirm the identity of PDF documents published on the Internet. After the signature, the relevant documents can simply confirm to the user the true identity of the PDF document signer.

In this way, you can protect the security of the document to a certain extent, and can prevent the document from being stolen in the transmission process. In addition, this certificate has many other features. So, what are the general characteristics of pdf document signing certificate?

First, the characteristics of the PDF certificate

1. can prove the true identity of the document signer, the certificate is authenticated by the CA authority, will strictly verify the identity of the authority information.

2. This signature has legal effect: pdf document signature certificate in the signature and handwritten signature or seal the same, both to a certain extent can have the relevant legal effect.

3. this student signature can be verified: pdf document signature certificate of the signature can be verified by after analysis, so for this kind of certificate is the authority of the certificate.

Four. Highly encrypted: the certificate is usually encrypted using the RSA2048 public key algorithm and the SHA256 signature algorithm, which can also support 256-bit omnidirectional encryption. Therefore, it is a certificate with strong encryption, so the signature provided by the certificate is safe and reliable.

Second, the role of PDF certificates

In fact, the main role of the PDF certificate is to protect the security of the document, you can effectively protect the authenticity of the document, but this certificate has other roles. So, what are the basic functions of the PDF certificate?

The role of government work: This certificate can improve the efficiency of government work to a certain extent, but also for the work of government agencies to inject a certain degree of vitality and vigor.

Role in the financial industry:The financial industry is very complex data processing. With a digital certificate pdf document for signature, you can efficiently and conveniently protect and manage financial data, to a certain extent, to reduce legal risks.

Third, PDF documents for the development of the application of signature certificates

With the increasing popularity of mobile phones and tablet computers in recent years, paperless will become the trend of development of enterprises, electronic document management and security will undoubtedly become the primary consideration of the enterprise.

Digital signatures ensure that important electronic documents can be safely and completely saved and transmitted. Document Signature Certificates are ideally suited for applications where document authenticity, integrity and confidentiality need to be assured, including but not limited to: Manufacturing.

Manufacturing: Facing pressure to reduce costs and update paper-based document business processes, seamlessly switching to paperless electronic business processes.

Financial development services industry: the traditional large number of paper documents (such as bank statements) need to be electronic, but we also need to be able to meet the people's government of the relevant laws and regulations requirements;

Education management industry: need to carry out a large number of rapid distribution of test papers, study materials, but also to reduce corporate costs;

Health care industry: need to save a large number of medical documents, in line with the requirements of the relevant regulations, the need to achieve electronic processing;; and

Government departments: the need to achieve office automation and paperless, electronic document exchange;

Other industries: a variety of trading systems, market analysis, white papers, invoices, contracts, confirmations, notarization, press releases, human resources documents and other electronic documents that need to be identified.

In short, PDF certificates have a lot of functions, both government and financial industries. In addition, the certificate has the four features mentioned above. So it's normal to use this kind of certificate more than once, but you must remember to apply for it in a formal organization.