
It is often said that diseases come from the mouth. And the production of food is often carried out in the kitchen, the kitchen clean or not, directly with our health has a close relationship. So friends must pay attention to develop the habit of exporting health Oh. Do you know what places in the kitchen are most susceptible to bacteria? Let's talk about it.

Common areas in the kitchen that are prone to harboring bacteria.

Rags or sponges: If a cleaning cloth is wet, bacteria can multiply on it.kitchen sponge price If such a rag or sponge is then used, bacteria can spread to other objects and throughout kitchen surfaces. Disposable cleaning cloths or reusable rags and sponges can be heat sterilized.

Food contact surfaces: Countertops and tabletops are easy surfaces for bacteria to grow on. These bacteria come from fresh foods such as meats, poultry, salad ingredients, fruits and vegetables. Raw and ready-to-eat foods should be stored separately and preferably processed separately on different colored countertops. Wash and sanitize all utensil surfaces after use, then wash hands thoroughly;

Often through contact with utensil surfaces: there exist many utensil surfaces in kitchen life we can develop into a potentially important pathway for the spread of bacteria. You should wash your hands with hand sanitizer or soap before preparing food, even if they don't look dirty. You should establish a rigorous sanitization of the surface information on a regular basis, because hands that have touched raw food can be contaminated with bacteria, and the work of such hands touching the surfaces of the utensils can have an impact on the environmental contamination.

The most common touch points in the kitchen are.

1. Inside surfaces of refrigerators, freezers and rice cookers.

2. Door handles and drawer handles

3. Operating surfaces

4. Faucets

5. Sinks: Fresh food (e.g. poultry, fresh fruits, salad dressings and vegetables) may contaminate the sink if it is washed in the sink prior to food preparation; washing kitchen sponges and cleaning cloths in the sink or using these items to clean the sink may also lead to sink contamination. Surfaces, including faucets in the sink and surrounding areas, should be sanitized regularly.

6. Trash cans: Trash cans are another area where bacteria can easily grow. Using a trash can with a lid will keep pets and pests out and also reduce odors. Empty garbage cans, clean and sanitize them with a diluted disinfectant, and don't forget to clean and sanitize the handles and lids as well;

Although the kitchen is a very small space, but in our small development of space design, but also a kind of bacteria breeding the most places, so friends through must pay attention to can not be timely kitchen hygiene to keep it clean, but also so that our body can be more active and healthy. Especially for these different places described above, friends must pay attention.

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