What is the Internet of Things that we talk about every day?

The Internet of Things! Internet of Things ~ Internet of Things? qcm6125 We can hear many things related to this word every day, such as qcm6125; and so on, so what is the Internet of things that we have heard of but not seen? What about Internet of Things technology? What are the differences and connections between iot and the Internet? Today we are going to uncover the secret of the Internet of Everything.

What's the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is an important part of the new generation of information technology and an important development stage of the "information age". Its English name is "Internet of Things", abbreviated as Lotter. qualcomm qcm6490 As the name suggests, the Internet of Things is the Internet of Things. To put it more bluntly, "Objects connect, communicate and interact with each other through the Internet." The Internet of Things, also known as sensor networks, is another wave of the information industry after computers, the Internet and mobile communication networks. Everything in the world, from watches and keys to cars and buildings, is simply embedded in a tiny sensor chip that makes it intelligent, and objects will speak automatically. With the help of wireless network technology, people can "talk" with objects, objects and objects can "communicate", this is the Internet of Things, the Internet of Things has its own local area, today's local area of the Internet of things can only be used for a small range of applications, such as smart home, we call home operating system.

As we mentioned before, the Internet of Things is still in the early stages of building a home operating system, so the ultimate goal of the Internet of Things is to evolve into a city operating system or even a world operating system, creating a new era from the network to the Internet of Things.

What are the uses of iot

Iot has many uses, including intelligent transportation, environmental protection, government work, public safety, safe housing, intelligent fire protection, industrial monitoring, environmental monitoring, street lighting, landscape lighting, building lighting, square lighting, elderly care, personal health, flower planting, water system monitoring, food tracking, enemy detection and intelligence gathering. For example, the smart bracelet we are now commonly using is the application of the Internet of Things in the field of personal health. But the one we're most familiar with is our smart home.