have their reasons for

Giving children the right education is a must for every family, but in real life, many Covid test kitparents follow the educational philosophy of "filial son under the stick". As long as the child does something wrong, they will take violent measures. In fact, this is not right, because violence not only can not solve the problem, and even let the child "learn from others". "So, what is the right way for parents to educate their children?

How parents teach their children is the right way, let's discuss it in detail!

1.Make friends with your child, do not take excessive behavior.

The correct development of education and training of children we have to put down the posture, take the initiative and children as friends, rather than China has not been behaving in a superior manner. Parents should often and children can be studied deep, intimate conversation, to convey their love for the child. In addition, when a child makes a mistake, parents should first calm their emotions, do not need to take some excessive behavior to the child, regardless of red and white first to a burst of stick education, but to calmly help a child through the analysis, solve these problems. Rough treatment of this child learning not only enterprise can not make him realize to improve their own mistakes and to correct, but also let them all is the inner world left a shadow, character also become more radical.

In the past, I was also a short-tempered tube, the children are beaten, basically in vain, so that the children are more disgusted. It wasn't until I took a parenting course recommended by a friend that I finally learned how to get along with my kids. My kids are no longer as confrontational and unruly as they used to be. Now I'm more like a friend to my kids!

2.Give your children more companionship

No one can replace the love and companionship of parents. Only with the careful teaching and companionship of parents can children get a better education and form good habits. But in reality, many parents are forced to ask their grandparents to help look after their children due to the pressure of life, or just leave their children at home. In this case, parents cannot give their children enough company, which university of hk rankingwill have a bad impact on his growth. Therefore, parents should be more attentive to their children, communicate with them more, or more video, more phone calls, keep abreast of their children's life and learning, so that their children can feel that even if their parents are not around, they still care and love them.

3.parents should listen to their children carefully

Whether children make mistakes or have conflicts with their parents, they have their reasons for doing so. Sometimes children don't do it on purpose, but are inexperienced or think differently than adults. Instead of yelling at your child, be quiet and have a good talk with them and let them express their thoughts. It is easier for parents to be listeners than admonishers.

4.Environmental inculcation

Parents must be creative in creating a good living and learning environment so that their children are infected and inculcated. Family is the main workplace of children's social life, parents should organize life, deal with the relationship between the development of members, adhere to their own correct moral issues behavior as a guideline, the formation of a united and harmonious family atmosphere, the establishment of a well-organized economic order of life, in order to cultivate the good feelings of their children.

Here is how parents can properly educate their children. Parents are the first "teachers" of their children. They must set a good example for their children in daily life, communicate with them as equals, and enter their inner world.

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