pest control

During the high temperature and high humidity of summer, flower lovers need to do a good job of flower maintenance and management, mainly pest control. Many of the pests that harm flowers thrive in the high heat and humidity of summer and can harm flowers. For flower growers of all kinds of flowers, the correct understanding and use of pesticides can not only effectively prevent the spread of pests, but also maximize the control of pests.

So, what are the pesticides for pest control? How to use these pesticides more effectively?RAMBO insect killer supplier Today, we will share how to use pesticides properly.

First of all, we need to understand that the summer social pests that harm Chinese flowers and greenery have their own which. Every year in the summer, there are many flower friends, because there is no pest control management awareness is not strong, the home to maintain the flowers were attacked by pests, making their hard work planted flowers and greenery, overnight was a lot of bugs nibbling and biting, lightly drop flowers and buds, affecting the value of the student's appreciation of time, the development of the heaviest so that the enterprise the entire plant was bitten by pests, the last one had to be thrown away! The last one had to be thrown away. So what are the pests that are prone to these problems? Mainly: mealybugs, thistle, whitefly, red spider, aphids and so on, in addition to the red spider, these major pests, most countries are a kind of belong to the piercing and sucking mouthparts of the pest, to use the network of special agents, in order to be able to kill more effectively removed.

Secondly, what is the best way to kill these pests? In my opinion, there are many insecticides for pest control and the key is whether the treatment can be targeted. For example, in order to control a mouth sucking pest, you can't use a general pesticide, it has to be a specific pesticide to combat it. This is because, like a person drinking Coke through a straw, the insect's sucking mouth pierces the leaves and sucks the sap from the plant's leaves to harm the plant. Therefore, no other insecticides can be used to eliminate these pests. So, what kind of insecticides are effective?

Zinc dicentrazone and allylcarbamate, which mainly target sucking mouthparts, are not effective against red spiders.VITFE insect killer manufacturer Actite insecticide specializes in killing chytrids, thistle, aphids and whiteflies. The principle of its use is as follows: Dilute Actite liquid with water at the rate stated in the instructions and spray it on the leaves of the plant. When the active ingredient of Actite liquid is absorbed by the plant leaves, it is incorporated into the plant's sap and forms the poisonous sap. When sucking pests inhale the sap from the plant leaves, they will show symptoms of drug poisoning and die.

As for this pest, the red spider, it is best killed with the Icarus mite and the golden rod. When it is used, it is poured into a 500 ml bottle of mineral water. When it is used it will be mixed according to the grams in the mineral water bottle, you know how many grams need to be taken. Usually once every 3 days, 2-3 consecutive spray applications will eliminate red spiders.

So, what are some of the things you need to be aware of when using the medication? No matter what kind of medicine to spray the leaves, we should pay attention to spray both sides of the leaves, so as to kill the pests thoroughly; at the same time, in order to reduce the resistance of the pests, it is recommended to alternate the use of a variety of pharmaceuticals, the effect will be better.

In addition, in the use of these insecticidal pharmaceuticals,Chinese SLEEP COOL Insecticide spray we must read the instructions for their use, in accordance with the design of the instructions given by the enterprise to dilute the proportion of water, do not take for granted the dilution of water, so as not to affect the lowering of the effectiveness of the management of pharmaceuticals. There is also a need to pay attention to the pharmaceuticals should be placed in the children can not reach the place, in order to prevent harm to young children.