How to do personal financial planning? You'll understand after reading this

Personal finance four major planning: accumulation of wealth, protection of wealth, use of wealth, distribution of wealth.

I. Accumulation of wealth: within the tolerable risk, through appropriate investment tools and investment channels to achieve personal financial goals. Accumulation of wealth loan is the core issue of financial management, and only in this way will wealth increase in value.

Second, insurance wealth: including financial risk, personal risk, health risk. Life's plan can not ignore risk management and tax planning, one to cost-effective, and the second to allow themselves to have a basic early protection to protect their economic capacity. From a tax point of view: Legitimate and feasible planning can reduce the tax burden.

Thirdly, use of wealth: more planning on your part is important with a view to living within your means and controlling your expenses in a very disciplined manner. For example, living expenses, retirement expenses, medical expenses in later years, children's education expenses, etc., are all to be arranged by the reasonable use of wealth, which not only protects the quality of life, but also improves the efficiency of the use of funds.

Fourth, the distribution of wealth: never let the property you leave behind become the bane of family disputes. Money is yours only if you use it, and if you can't use it all, it's someone else's - your children and grandchildren's.

The four principles of human financial management: balance the risk of return, live within your means, do not invest blindly, and control your desire not to be greedy.

Principle 1: Match the risk of return. Investment and risk are matched, high yield and high risk, low yield and low risk, we must control the risk in the affordable range, so as ploan to set the corresponding return target.

Principle 2: Live within your means. Financial planning should take into account the short-term and long-term living arrangements, reasonable consideration of the reality of affordability and future expectations, do not blindly set too high financial planning.

Principle 3: Do your homework and don't invest blindly. Investment and financial management is a very professional course of study, which requires a certain amount of time to learn and understand. The sky will not fall pie, only pay will be rewarded.

Principle 4: Control desire, not greed. At any time to set goals and limits, both profit targets and stop-loss targets, must be firmly set goals to avoid the evil consequences of greed.