insect killer

No one wants to see their plants destroyed by pests. Many people use insecticides when removing pests, but who wants to use insecticides at home? This is a good time to use some organic pesticides that you can produce yourself, which will avoid chemical residues.

Of course, not every organic pesticide is effective.SWAN insect killer supplier When manufacturing organic pesticides, we should choose and use the right materials for different pests.

The following organic pesticides have been tested to determine their efficacy in eliminating pests.

1. Mint, Garlic and Pepper Solution

This is my favorite homemade organic pesticides, the production method is also very simple, these research materials are also very easy to develop and obtain, these impact plants can also be planted by yourself,SPRITEX insect killer manufacturer all are plants that we can directly eat, will not produce some what harm.

Plants sprayed with these organic insecticides can be picked and eaten after a day or two and they smell great even with mint, garlic and pepper.

The method of preparation is very simple. You have to gather some fresh mint leaves and chop them, prepare some sliced garlic, preferably mashed, and some water, paprika and some biodegradable detergent.

Mint leaves, garlic paste and then prepare some water, start by boiling one or two liters of water and finally add the mint leaves, garlic paste and pepper, boil for about a minute, at the temperature can be put in a plastic container and the next day you can add one or two spoons of detergent.

The solution obtained can be sprayed, taking care to spray evenly in areas of infestation.

2. Orange peel solution

The peel of the orange can also be kept down through the retention time, it can also be made into an organic insecticide at the same time, the method of research is also a very simple, you can carry out the preparation work of two orange peels,Chinese RAMBO Insecticide spray prepare roughly 500 milliliters of water, and then add two small spoons of detergent.

Chopped orange peel, water boiling time after the first, the orange peel in which to soak, soak a day's work, you can add detergent in the inside can be fully shaken, filtered off the residue of the treatment after the teacher can be used directly to effectively remove pests, you can get very good removal of whiteflies, aphids and other pests.

3. Vegetable oil solution

When plants are infected with pests, we can also use vegetable oil to remove them. The principle is to disrupt the life cycle of the pests and the vegetable oil will adhere to them. What's more, this solution is mainly used to remove the eggs and larvae of pests. With the death of the old pests, the pests can be completely eliminated.

The recipe is simple: take two tablespoons of soapy water, one hundred and fifty milliliters of vegetable oil and add 200 milliliters of water.

Mix well and use to spray the affected area. When spraying, spray both sides of the leaf evenly, both sides of the leaf.

4. Tomato leaf solution

This is a very simple network of homemade organic insecticides, if their homes have planted tomatoes when teachers can be used, we all know that the tomato leaves are poisonous, can not be used directly for food, but it can be used to kill insects.

Prepare some chopped tomato leaves, choose healthy tomato leaves, put them in water, mix well with hot water, soak for about 12 hours, you can quickly filter out the residue, add detergent appropriately, it can be sprayed to kill insects, aphids have a very good removal effect.

5. Garlic, pepper and onion solution

This is an organic insecticide, made from three vegetables, very easy to get, used to remove pests on roses and azaleas, you can get two peppers, an onion and a garlic, prepare 200 ml of water.

Chop all the ingredients and put them in a blender and blend them into a paste. After leaving it overnight, you can add boiling water, mix well, strain out the residue, put it in a container and use it to spray pests. If the moonflower is infected with aphids, you can use this solution.

6. Chrysanthemum solution

This is a very effective organic insecticide because it will contain pyrethrum, if you find that spraying pesticides are not able to get rid of the pests, this homemade organic insecticide will instead be effective because it destroys the nervous system in the pests, which makes it a perfect natural insecticide.

You can prepare some chrysanthemums, dry them and save them for later. You can prepare 900 ml of water, add 100 ml of dried chrysanthemums, boil the dried flowers in 900 ml of water for 20-30 minutes, let the solution cool down and wait for use, and then you can store it in the refrigerator with a shelf life of about 2 months.

If you want to increase the insecticidal effect of the solution, you can add some "neem oil", which is what we usually call neem oil, it is an organic insecticide.