Teach you when and how to control pests

As a first step, when should home pest control be carried out?

Throughout our lives, we are often exposed to pests, such as termites, fleas, cockroaches, mice, mosquitoes, etc. fly killer The management and control of pests has become an important issue in modern society because they not only cause inconvenience to our living environment, but may also pose health and safety hazards.

Depending on the local climate, the construction of the house, cockroach insecticide spray and the surrounding environment, home deworming may be necessary in the following situations:

A pest has been found

Your wardrobe may need to be dewormed if you find cockroaches, mosquito killer mice, ants, mosquitoes, or other pests in your home.

When it comes to wardrobe deworming, many people ignore the fact that it is also a place where pests hide and breed. If the wardrobe deworming isn't carried out in time, these pests may damage the clothing and wardrobe, resulting in unnecessary losses.

As the seasons change

There are pests that thrive in certain seasons, such as mosquitoes and insects that are most common during the summer. If preventive measures are not taken, the living environment will be adversely affected. Starting preventive home pest control at the start of the season is the best way to prevent and control the breeding of these pests.

Take possession of your new home

It is recommended that you deworm your home and room after you move into a new home, especially for second-hand commodities. This will eliminate any pests that may have been introduced during the renovation process and prevent them from breeding.

There is more sensitivity among family members

Those who are allergic to pests may experience severe reactions once they come into contact with them, including itchiness, redness, difficulty breathing, headaches, nausea, and other symptoms. In order to reduce pest numbers and reproductive rates, these people need to disinfect their homes regularly, thereby preventing discomfort and disease.