couple's life

In the end, how frequently should couples engage in remote controlled vibe sexual activity? What harm would too much repetition cause to both sides? Xiao-nine will discuss "those things that couples cohabitate" with you today.

What are the risks of engaging in too much sexual activity first?


Men are often more direct and remote controlled vibe passionate than women. While proper "business" is beneficial for a man's ability to remove prostate fluid, support male endocrine function, and aid metabolism, excessive activity will allow prostatitis to manifest.

Under normal conditions, the fourth time the semen has not developed into a tadpole, that is "the" semen, if the male has repeatedly discharged "essence". Additionally, it will wear down the prostate glands and prevent the prostate's congestion from dissipating, which will result in blood stagnation and make prostatitis easier to develop.

"Excessive" will also cause pelvic congestion, which remote controlled vibe will result in discomfort, which will result in back pain, lower body weight, concealed pain, and other discomforts. This discomfort comes along with generating dysfunction, extending the unresponsive time, and inducing prostatitis.

Similarly, "excessive" will have a negative impact remote controlled vibe on the health of women. Office "excessive" is easily damaging to women's mucosal membranes and lowers their reproductive system's resistance, which leads to vaginitis, cervicitis, and other gynecological inflammation. Dysmenorrhea will also result from pelvic congestion, which will also cause lower abdomen discomfort, edema, and even menstruation.

Both men and women who are "excessive" will worsen the "burden" on their organs, leading remote controlled vibe to a deterioration in their functionality and lowering the couple's "desire." In addition, since this is a form of "aerobic exercise," excessive energy and physical power will be used, impairing mental clarity the next day.

Second, how should the frequency of marriage be measured?

Abstinence is bad for the body, indulging does the same harm to the body and mind, so how often is best for a husband and wife's life in the end?

Based on the age of American researchers' research on the impact of sexual ability on the law, the United States' "Women's Health" has produced a formula that can be summed up as follows:

First digit of age frequency = 9

In other words, the product of the 10 digits for a cycle with their own age of the ten digits multiplied by nine, although the individual digits should be the frequency. For instance, 4 X 9 = 36 for both men and women in the 40 to 49 age range means that the cycle lasts for 30 (days), 6 times in 30 days, and so on.

The United States Dr. Jean Twenge monitored almost 40 years, including more than 26,000 individuals, their lives, and age research, resulting in various age groups and the average weekly frequency of the study's findings, and we are on the number in addition to the "multiply by 9" calculation technique.

aged -18 to 29, 1.5 times each week

aged -30 to 39, 1.5 times each week

40 to 49 years old, once every week

50 years old is a distinct watershed; the age range between 50 and 59 is 0.7 times per week.

60 to 69 years old, once every week

older than 70, 0.2 times per week

The two estimates above are based on big data statistics and are simply meant as a guide; in order to proceed, all parties must be satisfied with the reality.

What marital taboos are there, thirdly?

Couple life should not only pay attention to the frequency, but also to how prepared it is.

A lot of sexually transmitted illnesses spread among themselves as a result of poor personal cleanliness and safety precautions. To avoid faster blood circulation, blood concentration on the skin, and a condition of "inhibition" in the relative neurological system, the bath water temperature should be managed before leaving for work.

Additionally, it is not advisable to perform after consuming alcohol. Alcohol will put individuals in a fleeting state of enthusiasm, making them vulnerable to becoming overexcited or acting rough and recklessly, which can cause injury. The "burden" that alcohol places on the liver, heart, and nerves increases the possibility of concealed disorders like heart disease and epilepsy developing suddenly.

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